Playhouse Construction Prepares Canada Wood Students

Since 2014, the Canada Wood Group has been organizing the Canada-Korea Wood Festival annually along with various academic institutions to promote wood as a building material, wood frame construction and the benefits of using wood. Programming also allows architecture students to acquire hands-on practical training in the design and construction of wood-frame structures. Students put these skills into practice by building small-scale wood frame assemblies that can be used as playhouses. This year’s training was jointly delivered by Canada Wood Korea, Pukyong National University, Silla University and Dong-A University in Busan for a total of 48 students.

Each little structure comes with a complete framing package and waterproof details. COVID restrictions complicated construction, which was done outside the exhibition centre by carpenters arranged by Korea Wood Construction Association. Students were trained on the job by skilled carpenters overseen by Canada Wood staff.
This year the playhouses were donated to the local elementary school in Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do and the Baedari Public Library in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do. Special thanks go to the Embassy of Canada in Seoul for facilitating donation to Baedari Library. The playhouse will be used as an experience centre for children to laugh, play and learn.

“Our goal is to simultaneously support local charities while also offering vocational training,” said, Jae Choi, technical consultant of Canada Wood Korea.