Encouraging Diversity in Japanese Architecture One Student at a Time

Shawn Lawlor

By: Shawn Lawlor

Managing Director, Canada Wood Japan/COFI Japan

On June 27th, I had the opportunity to present a lecture on wood design to second-year architecture students at Showa Women’s University in Tokyo. The presentation was conducted in collaboration with Professor Eiko Nakayama and the Japan 2×4 Home Builders Association. The hour and a half lecture aimed to highlight the benefits of the 2×4 construction method, familiarize students with Canadian species and their respective uses in construction, and inform them about global trends in wooden construction. A total of 85 architecture students attended the lecture, actively participating and asking insightful questions primarily focused on sustainability. Canada Wood and the Japan 2×4 Home Builders Association collaborate to deliver these lectures twice annually at Showa Women’s University. The goal of these collaborations is to encourage greater participation among young women in Japan’s building industry.