10 Year Field Testing Could Re-open Doors for Canadian Wood in Treated Product Sector
In November 2010, a Korean field-testing site for pressure-treated specimens of the Canadian refractory species White Spruce and Western Hemlock, was set up in Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. The samples were treated in Canada with the Residential Products Group C and D (specifications of the CSA Standard O80 Series with ACQ and CA), then brought to Jinju-si — a city on the southernmost part of the Korean peninsula where the average annual precipitation exceeds 1,500mm and termites are active.
2020 marked the 10th (and final) year for this field testing, and the annual inspection was conducted on December 16, 2020 by GNTECH professor Jong Bum Ra Korea Wood Preservation Association chairman Jae Yoon Ryu. Manager of New Construction Materials at FPInnovations, Rod Stirling, CWK’s Country Director Tai Jeong participated remotely by video during the inspection.
This test, which was designed to demonstrate the CSA O80 series’ preservative treatment, showed that the treated wood provided effective protection from both decay and termite attacks. The inspection revealed that the pressure-treated specimens of Canadian western hemlock and white spruce were in very good shape, both in areas with ground contact and in above-ground conditions, while the control group of untreated wood stakes (which were less than a year old) showed severe deterioration from both fungus decay and termite attack.
The 10 years of collected data will be compiled and analyzed to provide scientific data that supports the applicability of the CSA Standard O80 Series, and the creation of an Association Standard for treated wood products. Canada Wood Korea expects the use of Canadian refractory species, such as Spruce and Hemlock, will be allowed again in the treated-wood sector’s new standard.