Non-residential Wooden Buildings Expanding in Okinawa
The non-residential wooden building market is starting to progress in Okinawa thanks to our strategic partnerships with local builders, who we are jointly promoting the use of platform frame construction and Canadian wood products in the region. COFI held a one-day regional 2×4 seminar in Naha, Okinawa on October 14th (20 participants), and while there, Canada Wood staff took the occasion to visit customers and tour their latest works. I am pleased to report that we are not only seeing 2×4 residential housing projects increase in Okinawa, but also commercial retail projects as well – a market that we have targeted and are working to develop in this country. A great example of progress being made is a convenience store that we visited that Edge Co., Ltd. and Dairi Lumber Co., Ltd. collaborated on to design, supply and construct. The convenience store was built using SPF dimension lumber, Canadian OSB and I-beams supplied from COFI and APA member companies as you can see in photos below.