Now Available: Market Report on Canadian Wood Products into the Philippines
Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) has worked with an in-market research firm to produce the Philippines Market Research Report, to further explore this market and evaluate the potential for Canadian wood products in the Philippines. This report provides:
- A macro picture of the general conditions within the Philippines by region with respect to the economy, infrastructure, population and business conditions
- Current wood-products imports to the Philippines by product, species, country of origin and import location
- The top lumber importers, the species utilized and their primary output products
- Importance of Japanese investment in the Philippines and related wood consumption
- End-uses and consumption methods of the country’s current wood-products imports
- Current domestic lumber production by species and end-use
- Potential opportunities and challenges for Canadian imports to the Philippines
To download a copy of this report, please visit: and select Canadian Wood Imports in the Philippines.