Super E® Housing

High Performance Wood-Frame Construction Solution for Korea

What is Super E®?

Super E® housing is a high-performance building methodology, originally developed by Natural Resources Canada for use in international markets. This building system responds to Korea’s and China’s need for healthy, energy-efficient housing and is now delivered through the Korea Wood Construction Association (supported by Canada Wood).

The Super E® Standard focuses on how a house must perform, rather than how it must be built. This provides the flexibility to design a unique home, which is responsive to a country’s climate patterns and design ethos. In Korea, sophisticated consumers show a growing interest in homes that are healthier, more energy-efficient, and more environmentally responsible than current building standards.


A Building Solution to Reach Net-Zero

In Korea, work is underway to combine the Super E® standard with Net-zero housing in order to achieve total net-zero performance. Canada Wood Korea has been continuously promoting these building technologies, as they match well to the government’s ambition for making new buildings meet zero-energy requirements by 2025.

In China, the country’s largest ever Super E® housing community was built inside the Sino-Canadian Eco-district demonstration project. Super E® housing is an excellent way to showcase Canadian design features, incorporate healthy building materials, and demonstrate a high level of energy efficiency.