Editorial Work Completed for Publishing NLT Manual
As part of our fiscal 2020 Market Access projects, Canada Wood Japan and the Japan 2×4 Home Builders Association have been collaboratively worked on publishing a Design, Manufacturing & Installation Manual for Nail-laminated Timber (NLT).
The 2×4 Association NLT Technical Committee, under the Chairmanship of University of Tokyo Professor Dr. Inayama, oversaw the NLT Design manual content development. The Technical Committee tasked a structural and a fire engineer to pull together relevant test data from the NLT structural and fire subcommittees as a basis for content development. Based on the MLIT approvals for fire and the voluntary evaluations for structural performance, the NLT design manual will serve as a practical instructional guide enabling builders and designers to specify NLT in platform frame construction. It includes detailed architectural drawings, design recommendations, NLT span tables and guidance on structural calculations methodology. Using this manual, we are holding technical seminars for NLT in the major cities in Japan from April 2021.