Staying Connected: FII India Presents Its First Webinar on ‘Wood in Structural Use’
Educational seminars and training workshops are two key tools used by the Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) team in India to inform local manufacturers, stockists, architects and other key stakeholders on the merits and applications of B.C. wood species. Through this approach, FII India is able to expand knowledge and build demand for B.C. forest products across strategic markets in India. In 2019-20, 26 educational events were held, generating 1,114 business leads.
In recent months, due to COVID-19 and required limitations on social gatherings, FII India has not been able to conduct these in-person training sessions. To adapt to this new environment and to continue connecting with local stakeholders, the team in India has substituted traditional seminars with a series of webinars.
On May 27, 2020, FII India hosted its first webinar on ‘Wood in Structural use: Advantages and Benefits’, targeting and inviting 35 strategic partners consisting primarily of architects, real estate developers and hospitality sector professionals.
The theme of the webinar tapped into India’s growing interest in the use of wood in structural applications, with topics covering the different methods of building with wood, as well as the environmental, cost and timesaving, building efficiency and safety benefits associated with wood in construction. Several esteemed projects across the country that FII collaborated on were highlighted throughout the webinar to demonstrate examples of impressive wood buildings. Different types of Canadian wood products were also presented in respect to their unique properties and suitability for a variety of applications, with Spruce-pine-fir (S-P-F) highlighted as the ideal species for structural applications due to its great strength-to-weight ratio, dimensional stability and outstanding working properties.
Following the webinar, a survey was sent out to all attendees, with results demonstrating the success and impact of the event. Over 83 percent of respondents said they were very likely to recommend Canadian wood in their future projects. Outside of structural applications, respondents also noted interest in using Canadian wood for outdoor applications (pergolas, gazebos, decking, cladding), door frames, and doors and windows.
Given the success of this online event, FII India’s webinar series is set to continue with topics covering furniture, door and window manufacturing, as well as a highly focused follow-up webinar on Wood in Structural Use, further detailing techniques for building with wood.
By shifting their strategy to accommodate the need for remote engagement with stakeholders, the FII India team has been able to continue to build their brand within key markets and educate local stakeholders on the benefits of building with B.C.’s versatile and sustainable forest products.
To view a recording of the webinar: